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Wednesday, 12 April 2017 09:26

Raymond Florax memorial

Dear All,


Thanks for all of your support and the supportive expressions you shared here after the death of Dr. Raymond Florax. The presence of so many of his former and current students as well as colleagues from around the world at Raymond's memorial service was a tremendous expression of his lasting impact on our lives. 


We have established a fund to honor Raymond. The proceeds of the endowment will fund faculty and graduate student exchanges between the Purdue Department of Agricultural Economics and universities in The Netherlands with preference given to visits to and from the Vrie University where Raymond continued to maintain a strong partnership. In fact, he brokered and encouraged several such exchanges during his time on the Purdue faculty. We discussed the various things that Raymond was passionate about and helping graduate students and young professionals build their skills and network continued to come to the top of the list. I hope that you all will help us honor Raymond in this way. If we all give a bit then we can reach the minimum goal of $25,000 to endow the fund. Here is a link ( where you can make online contributions. You can always send a check or money order to us here at Purdue with a note directing it to the Dr. Raymond J.G.M. Memorial Exchange Fund. Thanks for your continued support and kindness.



Dr. Ken Foster, PhD
Professor and Head|Department of Agricultural Economics |Purdue University
Krannert Building | Room 653 | 403 W. State St. |West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
Phone: 765-494-4191 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Website:

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