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Thursday, 04 December 2014 09:44

NECTAR Newsletter - November 2014

NECTAR Newsletter                                    November 2014


Dear NECTAR friends


NECTAR is in the midst of preparations for the 2015 NECTAR international conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, June 14-16, 2015. The conference will have keynote sessions on the conference theme “Smart Transport, Smart Planning”, special thematic sessions organized by the different NECTAR clusters, general sessions on other topics within the NECTAR field, and a specialized subconference on bringing Accessibility-Based Evaluation from Laboratory to Practice. This newsletter will announce the call for papers for the seven cluster thematic sessions and the launch of the new NECTAR website domain.

I am also happy to announce the start of the biannual NECTAR PhD award! In many NECTAR meetings, workshops and conferences, PhD students present and discuss their work. With this award, we want to recognize the high quality of the research conducted by the best of the PhD students supervised by
NECTAR members. The award is also inspired by Professor Piet Rietveld, who chaired NECTAR in the years 2002-2007 and who with his exceptional academic abilities inspired and stimulated many young re­searchers, PhD students and the NECTAR community in general.

There is also news from Cluster 4. Cluster 4 revised its cluster name to “Travel, Migration, Housing, and Labour Markets”. These topics are strongly linked, and better reflect the broad focus of NECTAR research on transport activity.

Furthermore, this newsletter presents workshop reports from Cluster 4 workshop in Sweden and the Clus­ter 6 WSTLUR/NECTAR special session organized in Delft. We close the newsletter with a very nice list of upcoming NECTAR events.

Karst Geurs, NECTAR chair, October 2014.


Thematic cluster sessions at the 2015 international conference

Smart transport network investments and smart outcomes? With this theme, cluster 1focuses on the topic of smart transport network investments and their outcomes. Topics of interest include emerging

network modelling of smart transport and smart transport policies, the effectiveness and efficiency of transport demand strategies for both freight and passenger transport, and the effectiveness of evaluation and appraisal frameworks/methods (e.g., CBA, MCA, etc) in transport. The call for papers is found here.


The Environmental, Planning and Policy Implications of Advanced Technologies.Cluster 2 seeks to attract papers on the impact of expected social and demographic changes and technology developments on the sustainability of our future transportation systems. Topics of interest include the contribution of ad­vanced smart transportation technologies (autonomous vehicles, advanced control system, new forms of public transport) to sustainable transport and the potential of new services, applications, and urban mobili­ty groups (ride sharing, taxi sharing, PRT, car clubs, etc.) to shift travelers to more sustainable modes. The call for papers is found here.


Smart freight transport: the way forward. Cluster 3 focuses with this theme on how big data can
improve logistics planning.  Topics of interest include collaboration along the supply chain-the physical internet, sharing capacity by sharing data, big data in logistics and freight transport and the contribution of advanced smart transportation technologies (autonomous vehicles, advanced control system, etc.) to
sustainable logistics. The call for papers is found here.


The Dynamics of Migration, Housing, and Labour Markets in Land Use. Cluster 4 organizes a themat­ic session on the temporal dynamics of migration, housing and labour markets. Topics of interest include regional mobility, housing choice, job-housing (im)balance, methodological frameworks for modelling land use and daily travel patterns, impacts of land use on travel and accessibility for various social and age groups, and spatial concentration of immigrant population, spatial mismatch, and understanding their transportation needs and solutions. The call for papers is found here.

Accessibility, Vulnerability and Resilience. Cluster 6 organises, together withRSAI (Regional Science Association International) a thematic session to discuss and create a perspective on the state of the art in defining and measuring the links between accessibility, resilience and vulnerability concepts. Topics of interest include the role of accessibility measures in resilience/vulnerability analyses in transport and socio-economic networks, supply chains, and tourist systems. The call for papers is found here.

Smart Securing of Transportation Activities. Cluster 7 organises a thematic session to discuss and create a perspective on the state of the art on smart securing of transport activities as well as on recent advances concerning the potential applications in a transport, communication and socio-economic context. Topics of interest relate to methodological and technical issues in transportation security, unimodal and multimodal transportation security procedures, transport security policies, transport security at hubs and economic estimation and evaluation of transportation security policies and procedures. The call for papers is found here.

Big data and mobility: a digital framework of human communications for smarter cities.Cluster 8 organises a session on the utilization of big data which enable researchers to capture and model human mobility in very precise temporal and spatial resolution. This special session seeks to attract papers which will provide insights both from a conceptual and an empirical perspective, on how cities can utilise the breadth of various and heterogeneous sources of big data to provide a smarter urban environment. The call for papers is found here.

1st NECTAR PHD award

At the NECTAR international conference in Ann Arbor, the 1st NECTAR PhD Award will be awarded for the best recent PhD thesis work in the NECTAR field. PhD thesis work can be submitted only by a PhD
supervisor who is a NECTAR member. The 1st NECTAR PhD award will consider PhD theses which have been or will be defended between January 2013 and June 2015. To be considered, the PhD thesis should be in the general realm of NECTAR research, including topics from the fields of regional economics, urban economics, urban/regional planning, geography, transport planning and transport engineering. The author of the winning paper must present the research at conference in Ann Arbor and will receive a reimburse­ment for travel and accommodation cost for the conference. The call for submissions is found here.

NECTAR workshop reports


On June 12-13, 2014, a Cluster 4 meeting was held in Sweden. At the peaceful and tranquil Sigtuna Foundation, 20 scholars met to present ideas, drafts and more or less finalized papers dealing with the interaction between and nexus of Commuting, Migration, Housing and Labour Market. The meeting was organized and sponsored by Umeå University (through the research program ‘Geographical Mobility and Regional Development’ and the Transport Research Unit).


Professor Olle Westerlund opened the meeting with a speech on ‘Mobility research – for whom’, which led to a vivid (and sometimes humorous) discussion on the dash for the cash etc. Among the 13 presentations issues such as housing markets and segregation, spatial planning, location of industries and commuting were discussed. The participants all engaged in the discussions, which covered details in methods as well as more general implications of the research.


At the World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR) Conference, 24 — 27 June 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, a special NECTAR Cluster 6/WSTLUR session was organized by Karst Geurs, NECTAR chair, and Ahmed El-Geneidy, McGill University, Canada. Sixteen papers, authored by researchers from around the world (Australia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, USA, Poland, Portugal and the UK), were presented and discussed in 8 sessions during 2 days. The theme of the special session was “Accessibility and Evaluation”. A selection of papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Transport and Land Use.


Upcoming NECTAR Events

16 — 17   April  2015 NECTAR Cluster 3 Meeting on “Sustainable freight transport – are cities willing and ready for the recent advances in transport technologies?”

7 — 8     May   2015   NECTAR Cluster 1 workshop “Enhancing the network efficiency: air transport and sustainability”, Cranfield, United Kingdom

14 — 16  June 2015  NECTAR international Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States of America


NECTAR Cluster 6 Special Issue

The journal “Computers, Environment and Urban Systems” has just published online the NECTAR speci­al issue “Accessibility modeling, transport networks and location behaviour” (issue January 2015) Guest Edited by Karst T. Geurs, Andrea De Montis & Aura Reggiani. Find this publication here  

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