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Membership Information

All RSAI members have 20% discount on the article publishing charge to publish in Papers in Regional Science (PiRS) and to the Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP): Journals of the Regional Science Association International.

RSAI NEWSLETTER, the newsletter of the Association, appears two times a year and contains information about upcoming conferences and meetings, recent publications and a periodic guide to graduate programs in regional science. Please send all electronic submissions of material for the RSAI Newsletter directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Participation in national and international meetings is encouraged; over twenty international, national and regional meetings are held each year. Two of the Association's superregional organizations, the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) hold annual meetings in November and August. The third superregional organization, the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO), holds a meeting every two years. Every two years, a World Congress is held.

Each year, the Association conducts a competition for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of regional science. Winners are encouraged to present their work at one of the major international meetings.

In addition to the RSAI publications, members are offered an opportunity to purchase other regional science journals at reduced rates and participate in the national and international conferences at reduced rates.

RSAI membership has its benefits and privileges, including:

  • Right to vote for representation of the Council of the Regional Science Association International
  • Eligibility for awards of RSAI
  • Discounted registration fees at conferences organized by RSAI, NARSC, ERSA, PRSCO, and LARSA
  • RSAI newsletter
  • Participation in and access to a worldwide network of 4500 regional scientists
  • RSAI Journals (PIRS & RSPP) - Members of the Regional Science Association International are eligible for a 20% discount on the article publishing charge.
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