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Friday, 25 November 2016 16:06

Inivitation - special session in honour of Professor Charlie Karlsson June 15-17, 2017

Dear all,

You are hereby invited to a special session in honour of Professor Charlie Karlsson.

Professor Charlie Karlsson “the founding father of Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)” and past president of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) retired on December 31, 2014 and became Professor Emeritus.

I organize a special session at the 20th Uddevalla Symposium to acknowledge his achievements as an academic entrepreneur as well as his contributions to the international regional science community. I hope that you are interested to come and to present a paper at this special session. The 20th Uddevalla Symposium takes place in Trollhättan, Sweden, June 15-17, 2017.

The overall theme of the 20th Uddevalla Symposium is “Innovation, entrepreneurship and industrial dynamics in internationalised regional economies”. Further information about the symposium can be found at .


I need to have a confirmation of your participation not later than the 28th of January 2017 together with the title of your presentation including name(s) of possible co-author(s). Submission deadline for your complete paper is May 18th 2017 to secure that there is enough time to have it uploaded at the symposium USB-stick.

Looking forward to see you in Trollhättan in June next year.

Best regards,



Martin Andersson (PhD)

Professor, Industrial Economics

Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Karlskrona

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