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Wednesday, 16 December 2015 10:57

Extend the deadline for abstracts submission until Sunday 17th of January 2016 | 2016 RSAI World Congress Istanbul

Dear Colleagues and Friends,


Thank you very much for your great interest to the 2016 RSAI World Congress Istanbul. We have received hundreds of abstracts with a great geographical diversity from Mexico, Brazil, US to Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, and from Japan, Indonesia, China to Germany, France, Italy and many other European countries. You have made our congress a real ‘World Congress’! Thank you very much! We have also received many requests for the extension of the deadline. In the light of these requests and ongoing demand, we are very glad to inform you that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended until Sunday 17th of January 2016.


If you are still unsure about attending the conference, you can find more information about the conference/themes/speakers and special sessions at the congress website:


As we are approaching the year-­‐end and embracing the coming 2016, I would like on behalf of Turkish Regional Science Association and RSAI World Congress Local Organizing Committee, to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


With warmest regards,


Prof.Dr. Tüzin Baycan
President Turkish Regional Science Association
Chair RSAI World Congress Local Organizing Committee


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